The Perfect Wedding Day Timeline | Detroit, Michigan Wedding Photographer

Probably the number one thing I hear from KP Brides is that they have NO idea how to plan out the day OR when I have seen that they have planned out the day they have not left enough room for certain things. Are you in the same spot? Well Kaye's Photography has your back!! Download this Wedding day timeline and you will have NO worries when it comes to your wedding day! I have also included a wedding day check list for you to make sure you are not missing those little details you just MIGHT not even think of! 

Perfect Wedding Timeline

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A few questions you should ask yourself?

First look or not? Some of the main things you I ask every bride is if they would like to do a First Look! This is the one of the main events that will change your timeline the most! This one event can allow for us to achieve most of our checklist before the ceremony even starts so that we do not have to do these things after the ceremony meaning you can enjoy your cocktail hour and your guests aren't waiting HOURS for us to finish portraits! 

Are you and your groom getting ready in the same place?  This is definitely a problem when the groom is in a totally different location then the bride as your photographer either will not be able to be in two places at once and have to leave you at one point OR the second photographer will have to go the Groom! So this is something you will want to figure out!!! 

Salon or is your beauty team coming to you?? I always ask this because it usually takes a lot longer for a few girls to get everyone done then for a salon to get everyone done. So this will effect the timeline but you will also have travel time with the salon option where you would not with the beauty team coming to you! 

I hope this timeline download helps you tremendously in planning your wedding! 

Book your wedding with Kaye's Photography by CLICKING HERE or Clicking the CONTACT tab ABOVE!!!